Pain Management, Addiction and Homelessness

Pain Management,
Addiction, & Homelessness:
Multidisciplinary Treatment Strategies
How do we care for patients with greater need and the least access to care and treatment?
Homeless persons suffer disproportionately with health problems that reduce physical functioning and quality of life, and shorten life expectancy. 63% of homeless report experiencing pain lasting longer than three months (mean duration of pain experienced was 82.2 months).
While this issues challenges communities across the US, Hawai’i has the highest per capita rates of homelessness in the nation.
At KPC2018, HI Senator Josh Green, MD will discuss root causes, complexities, and strategies for helping this under-served community.
Additional Reading
- Hwang, Stephen W., et al. “Chronic pain among homeless persons: characteristics, treatment, and barriers to management.” BMC family practice 12.1 (2011): 73.