Roger B. Fillingim, PhD
University of Florida, Pain Research and Intervention Center of Excellence Distinguished Professor & Director Roger B. Fillingim, PhD uses standard psychophysical, or sensory [...]
Carolyn A. Fairbanks, PhD
University of Minnesota Professor, Depts of Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Neuroscience Carolyn Fairbanks, PhD researches novel compounds with a pharmacokinetic/dynamic profile ideal for spinal delivery [...]
Vitaly Napadow, PhD LicAc
Harvard Medical School; MGH Professor, and Director, Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CIPNI) Vitaly Napadow, PhD LicAc is a Professor at Harvard Medical School [...]
Monika Patel, MD
Division of Pain Management, University of Florida Health Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology Monika Patel, MD is fellowship-trained in pain medicine from the [...]
Eric J. Grigsby, MD, MBA
Founder & Medical Director, Napa Pain Institute; Spine & Pain Center of Kaua'i; Redwood Pain Institute Chief Medical Officer, the Alfred E. [...]